Is this course for you?
This highly practical course is all about showcasing the development of practical skills, underpinned with theory that compliments the making of actual productions and media products. Whether this is creating a short film, music video, magazine, newspaper, documentary, corporate video, live studio shoot, film soundtrack or podcast, it’s all building professional behaviours and learning about how the industry operates and is evolving.
You will be able to explore how to use HD cameras, DSLR’s and digital editing software, use of TV studio other Adobe digital systems.
On the course you will also develop awareness of career options and we will support you in the next stage of education or employment via support of CV writing, UCAS references and developing showreels and portfolios.
You will have free Adobe Accounts with access to all of the Creative suite including Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop. The college has facilities and equipment such as a studio, editing suite, Full HD cameras, DSLR’S, Kinoflows and Mini Led lights. You will attend trips during your time at college which is all beneficial towards your career within this industry. You will also have the opportunity to work at a festival as part of the college events.
The only equipment we expect you to bring is a pen, pencil, notebook and a sketchbook will also be beneficial to you to record your development stages. You are free to bring in your own camera though if you do own one.